A program is an instruction to tell the computer how to do a task. Meanwhile, a programming language is a language that we can use to create a program.
In this article, we will use the Python programming language to provide instructions to the computer. For example, when we click the Play button on the Media Player, the music/video will play. Behind that, the program works to tell the computer to play the media when the button is clicked.
Writing Programs With Python
Let's start writing a program that displays the text "Hello Everyone" on the screen. How to? Let us discuss this.
To tell the computer how to display something on the screen, we can use the print statement, for example:
The statement above is a built-in function in Python to display something on the screen. The built-in function is, of course, predefined and of course, we can use it right away. print("Hello Brother")
The result will be as follows: Hello Brother
Easy isn't it?
# Test python comment
- A program is a set of instructions for a computer.
- The print() function can be used to display something on the screen.
- Anything that will appear on the screen, must be written between brackets and quotation marks ("...").
- print() is a Built-In Function in Python.
- The hashtag # can be used to write comments in Python.
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