Introduction and Introduction to Python Programming Languages

Introduction and Introduction to Python Programming Languages
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Friday 9 October 2020
Introduction and Introduction to Python Programming Languages
Python is a high-level programming language (High-Level Programming Language) that uses instructions to teach or tell a computer how to do a task.

Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum and released in 1991 which is a powerful programming language and is very easy to learn. High-level programming languages ​​such as Python, are aimed at a programming language that is written almost the same as human language. That is why the Python programming language is called High-Level Programming Language.

Python has an easy approach to Object-Oriented Programming(OOP). OOP is one of the approaches used to write a program. Apart from that, Python is also a free and open-source programming language.

The purpose of Open-Source is that we can read / view, edit, and distribute code from a programming language.

Use of the Python Programming Language

We can see a lot of applications created using the Python programming language. By using Python, we can make Web Applications (Web Applications), Game Development (Game Development), and Desktop Applications (Desktop Applications). In addition, we can also find applications that use the Python programming language in Machine Learning and Data Science.

How the Python Programming Language Works

Here are some steps from how Python works:

  • First of all, we have to write instructions, of course, in Python.
  • Python is an Interpreted language (Interpreted Language). This means, to run the program, we do not need to compile (Compile).
  • Python program will run directly on Source Code.
  • Then, the source code will be converted into Bytecode and the original language of the computer via the Python Interpreter.
  • Finally, the code will be executed and the result (Output) will be displayed.
Maybe that's just my explanation, if anything is unclear, you can ask via the comments column below. If this article is useful, please share it. Thank you for visiting the Education Website.
Admin Geli

I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.